(Français) Les Huiles Essentielles – 101


Isabelle Louis XVI – Votre Amie Essentielle

Espace Santé Naturopathique

Welcome to my website and blog on integrative health—a holistic approach to well-being.

As a naturopath (ND.A), my goal is to educate, empower, guide, and support you in improving your health by making better choices in your daily life.

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. –Thomas A. Edison (1903)

PREVENTION is key, and my mission is to help you build better lifestyle habits to enhance your overall health.

Healthy Eating ⇒ Nutrition should never be about dieting or restriction; it should always focus on providing the nutrients your body needs to function optimally.
Cooking Made Easy and Fun ⇒ I will share simple, quick recipes that even the busiest people can enjoy. Take back control and become the chef in your kitchen!
Herbal Medicine ⇒ I am deeply passionate about the incredible healing power of plants and their ability to restore balance and vitality. Plant medicine can be used in various ways to promote health and well-being Here are several common methods: essential oils, gemmotherapy, herbal teas, infusions/decoctions, tinctures, supplements and straight from your garden. 

My motto : When you know better, you do better.

I am passionate about learning and sharing new ways to improve and simplify our lives. My approach is personalized and guided, focusing on small changes to optimize health.

Small, consistent changes over time can have a significant impact.

I will help you identify harmful chemicals in your environment, so you can replace them with healthier alternatives. I will also help you understand and appreciate how wonderfully capable your body is of healing and repairing itself when given the right support.

Let me start today by sharing my tip #1 | The +1 rule

Drink one extra glass of water every day. When you think you’ve had enough, drink one more—your body will thank you! Staying well-hydrated is essential for good health.

Your body is about 70% water, and most of your body’s metabolic pathways require and use water. During the day, the body loses water through urine, stools, breath, skin and sweat. It sends a thirst signal when dehydration reaches 1%. At 5%, symptoms such as dry mouth, headaches and difficulty concentrating appear. At 10%, it can be fatal. 

 To retain the water you drink, make sure to sip slowly over time. Drinking too quickly often leads to frequent trips to the bathroom!

I am excited to have you here and I am grateful to have the opportunity to use my knowledge to help you live an healthier life. 

Let’s Start the Conversation: Tell me your goals and how I can help. Naturopathy is a team effort, and you are the driver—I am here to help you reach your destination.

Let Me Help You Find Balance in the Three Spheres of Health:

  • Physical Health → Food is your medicine → Exercise is your medicine
  • Mental Health → Your mindset impacts everything → What you focus on will grow → Focus on POSITIVITY
  • Spiritual Health → Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed → Do one thing each day that makes you happy
My Mission: To Help You Improve Your Health, Vitality, and Life

Your health is your greatest wealth.


Schedule your FREE 10-minute discovery call today!

I advocate for healthier eating, sharing meals with loved ones, laughing every day, spending more time in nature, and eliminating the toxic chemicals that poison our lives. I am always looking for new ways to improve and simplify our lives. I believe plants have superpowers and that human beings are miraculous creatures.

Isabelle – Your Essential Friend